
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Bump Update: Weeks 33-34

How big is baby? At 34 weeks, baby is the size of a butternut squash.  She's around 18 inches long and maybe weighs around 5 pounds.  She feels enormous and super strong.
How am I feeling?  Better than expected?  Besides feeling like I ate a mountain, I'm not too terribly uncomfortable during the day.  After I cram dinner in, I'm pretty much stationary for the night.  My back has been feeling way better than I expected and my pelvis has stopped feeling like it's separating into two pieces except when I roll over in bed. 

As far as the contractions are concerned, I've had a couple multiple hour sessions of them being pretty intense.  My OB first recommended doubling my meds but that made me feel like I was going to pass out from the low blood pressure.  I've increased the frequency and have been handling them decently well.  I'm always nervous when I get a couple in a row that they are going to pick back up and be crazy. 

Little girl is still a wild one.  I'm absolutely in love with all her movements (even when they are painful - like pushing out in one spot super hard or wedging her foot up under my rib).  She's so responsive to our voices and touch and it's so fun to "play" with her in there.  I know that I will miss this part!! 

Food aversions/cravings?  I want to eat all the fruit.  I decided being pregnant in summer is worth it for all the fresh berries and watermelon.  I'll take 110 degrees every day if it means fruit is in season.  Yum!
Sleep:  I think it has improved slightly.  I'm still up to pee several times a night but I'm spending less time lying awake afterward.    
Maternity clothes: Yes... I'm large.  Even some of my longer shirts are starting to be midriffs if I'm not careful!
Best moments:  Checking off weeks has been such a relief after the scare at 31 weeks.  I'm so relieved to be at 34 weeks and mostly "in the clear" in case she is ready to join the world.  At my 34 week appointment, they said she'd be completely fine if she were born now but they are going to keep me on the contraction meds until 36 weeks at which point they will consider her close enough to full term! 
Miss anything?  My lung capacity!  Going up our stairs or walking up a hill (and sometimes just standing to cook dinner) has me huffing and puffing.  My meds apparently worsen the shortness of breath so I'm thinking it's extra bad these days.  I also miss my stomach capacity!  We've pretty much given up going out to dinner because it's just too painful to eat a full meal at night.  So much for the restaurants I had on my list to eat before the baby arrives!
Nursery progress:  Done!  Clothes are washed and essentials are purchased.  Hannah's hospital bag is mostly packed.  Only thing left to do is install the car seat and assemble her bassinet.  So now we wait.
Thoughts on pregnancy:  As the end gets closer, I'm more and more overwhelmed by how grateful I am to have been able to go through this whole process.  It's crazy to me how completely in love I am with this little girl I've never met.  My emotions are high and it doesn't take much for me to tear up (like in our labor and delivery tour when they talked about handing you your baby for the first time... waaah!)
Looking forward to:  I'm very excited for my baby shower next week!  Aside from that, I'm thrilled to be full term soon and get this show on the road.  Oh!  I keep forgetting to mention that we are in the process of buying a mommy-mobile.   My new Honda Pilot has been ordered and I'm anxiously awaiting its arrival.  It should be here around the third week of August which could be a little interesting.  I'm sure we won't be busy then or anything ;)

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